Relaxation Technique for sleep (YOG Nidra)


Relaxation Technique for sleep

Nutritious and healthy Food as well as  sound and full sleep are two essential parts of our health.Food provide us energy while sleep relaxes and nurtures our body. One need these two in proper,efficient and balance quality as well as quantity to live healthy and successfull life. The quality of food that we eat depends upon our paying capacity while our sleep depends upon our mental balance and internal peace. The more peace and relax we are,  the more sound and refreshing sleep we have. This not even increases our mental capacity but makes our behaviour balance and stable too. But some people does not able to sleep well due to stress,depresion,anxiety and many other similar problems. They need sleeping pills for the same but it is not as much refreshing and sound as natural sleep. Meditation and yoga are such powerful techniques that not only makes our body healthy but also makes us calm and relax.Yoga Nidra or Relaxation technique is one such thing that helps us to remains in relaxation mode. In addition to attaining the relaxing state of the mind and body, it is also used to attain an alternate state of mind. An alternate state of mind refers to a mild drowsiness state in which we are awake while sleeping. The electrical changes frequency in mind becomes very low. We lost and gain consciousness, again and again, this stage is similar to hypnosis state which can be used to program the subconscious mind. In a relaxation state, our reasoning power becomes almost zero i.e it becomes very easy to change our beliefs, habits likes and dislikes. There is a very deep relation between mind and body. Mind and body both are interrelated to each other. If the mind comes in a relaxa state then the body automatically comes in a relaxation state. There are also the internal sensations – aches and pains, strains and tensions in the body that disturb the mind and distract it in a hundred and one ways. Experience has shown that deep relaxation reduces the flow of bodily sensations to the minimum and the mind becomes more free to concentrate its power on a single point.  It is because when we tense our muscles we spend more of our psycho-physical energy. But when we relax our-muscles completely, a lot of energy becomes spare to be converted into mental force for reinforcing the already existing fund of mental energy. Another advantage of relaxation is that when we relax the muscles of the body the mind also becomes relaxed and it does not wander as readily as when the body is tense. Thus physical relaxation indirectly promotes mental concentration. As a matter of fact, with the practice of relaxation not only the mind becomes calm but the noises of the body are also brought under harmonious control. Relaxation also relieves negative mental conditions such as worry, anger and fear. It is really difficult to be worried or upset when all the muscles of the body are in a state of complete relaxation. If we analyses the mind-body relationship we will find that it is always mental tension that arises first and is the cause of physical tension. By deliberately reversing the usual mind-body chain reaction we gain conscious control over the vital zones of the body and thus relax the mind by first relaxing the body.


This means a tense mind makes the body in general and the muscles in particular tense. When the mind is tense with rage, or anger the muscles become rigid, the fists clench and jaws become tight and set. Thus a tense mind directly makes the body tense and rigid. And as a feedback reaction with the development of tension in the body, the mind becomes still tenser. All this results in a vicious circle the one tensing the other. The more tense is the body, the more agitated is the mind, and vice versa. The best way, therefore, to break this vicious circle is to deliberately train the mind and the body to relax each other- the mind relaxing the body so that it in its turn relaxes the mind still more. Learn to Relax Deeply For this purpose most of the authorities advocate lying down on a comfortable bed and relaxing the muscles.


 Hence here first we try to bring our body in a relaxed state so that the mind will be relaxed and concentrated. if you perform by lying on the floor or the bed then there will be always a danger of falling asleep so it is best to perform this technique by sitting cross leg on the floor preferably on cushion. Initially you start and practice the technique by lying on the bed.  It is also better to say to yourself before performing the technique that I will remain in consciousness. While performing this technique your hands, legs and body became very much relax, and heavy. If you pick up somebody's hands while in relaxation then you find it very heavy and it tumbled down instantaneously when you leave it. In relaxation, the body becomes almost like a coat that hangs on the nail with its sleeves hanging in a relaxed state. Attaining a relaxation state is similar to attaining the state of coats sleeves. Relaxation technique requires no ‘will power’ other than perseverance and continued practice. It requires no special training, nor will an unusual concentration. The first time you use this technique you experience some relaxation. But as you continue to practice the degree of relaxation will increase. Eventually you will be able to relax deeply, anywhere anytime without falling asleep. After assuming the posture of your choice and convenience and your spine must be straight in that close your eyes gently and keep them closed during the practice of the technique. In this relaxation technique we start from the feet and mentally go upward towards the head. Again go back to the feet and go on repeating the same process until we reach in a deeply relaxed state. You should memories in order to derive the full advantage of this technique which is as follows. 



 (YOG Nidra)

1. Think of your feet and legs and concentrate all of your attention on them. Under your breath say these exact words to yourself slowly and rhythmically: “My feet and legs are becoming heavy……… very heavy……. And very numb. Now they are so heavy and so numb that I have lost all feelings in them from my toes to my hips. My legs are so numb that I cannot move them no matter how hard I try”.


2. Now quickly think of your hands and arms. Concentrate all your attention on them. Say under your breath slowly and rhythmically: “My hands and arms are becoming heavy……… very heavy. I am losing all feeling in my arms. Now my arms are so heavy…….so numb…..  That I cannot move them no matter how hard I try.”


3. Next concentrate your thoughts on your neck and shoulders. Say to yourself, slowly and rhythmically: “My shoulders are growing very heavy………. My neck is becoming very heavy………. My shoulders and my neck have become so very heavy……….. I cannot move any of them………. No matter how hard I try.”


4. Now immediately concentrate your thoughts on your closed eyes and say to yourself slowly and rhythmically:” My eyes are becoming heavy very heavy numb very numb. I cannot open them no matter how hard I try


While you are thinking about your arms, make one quick try at lifting or moving any one of your legs. You will find that you cannot do so. They will be so relaxed that all you will feel is a tug at you hip You can again repeat the whole process again…Feet and legs ….hands and arms …….shoulders and neck …..eyes….and again feet and legs etc. till you feel that you are relaxed all over. But be sure that during the whole process your spine  remains straight and erect


You gain mastery over this technique at the moment when you feel your limbs getting heavy and when you are unable to move them. The more still and motionless is your body the more calm and quiet it will be your mind. Initially, you have to spend fifteen to thirty-minute a  day but later on only giving direction to your body is enough to reach in that state.  Later on after having the good practice perform relaxation technique while sitting and having your spine straight. Train and prartice your mind such that you can attain the relaxation state while doing your many day to day works which needs concentration. Such practice and habit should be develop that by only giving direction to body, whole body attain the relaxation state. In the Relaxation state, our mental capabilities increase tremendously. Memory works very sharply. Great Yogis remain in relaxation state the whole day. They achieve so much control over their body that they complete their most of the work in relaxation state.  One of the major advantage of remaining and living  in relaxing state is long life.  Remaining in relaxing state increase your life also in addition to many other benefits of the technique. You cannot imagine how much advantageous you became by learning this technique and implementing it in your life




Relaxation Technique for sleep (YOG Nidra) Relaxation Technique for sleep (YOG Nidra) Reviewed by Devesh nath on August 28, 2021 Rating: 5

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